Saturday, May 10, 2008


Greetings from Manchester, New Hampshire, where it is getting warmer and more sunny,
and the young uns are playing SCRABBLE!!!!

The word is: Scrabble

Union Leader Correspondent

For the first move in a Scrabble game against fellow fifth-graders Troy Miller and Evan McCarthy, Bradley Robbins got a Bingo.

For all the non-Scrabble fanatics out there, that's when a player uses all seven tiles in one turn.

"That's not a word," Miller said, looking at his partner for reassurance.

"I don't think it's a word," McCarthy said.

They eyed Robbins nervously. He was known for occasionally putting down fake words, assuming other players won't know when he's making one up.

Bradley Robbins, 11, of Windham, counts a Scrabble score as his father, Phil, looks up a word. (DAVID LANE)

"We're challenging you," Miller said, calling in the judge, Robbins' mom, Jill Robbins, who checked the official Scrabble dictionary to make her final ruling.

The word was "taenias," and it is a headband worn in ancient Greece.

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