For this post the thing that immediately comes to mind is actually a secular love song, but the line is just perfect for the situation. The weather in New Hampshire is cold and green, and in New Mexico it is cold and brown. I needed biking gloves with fingers last week on my way to church! Let me go see if I can find these lyrics.
Till now I always got by on my own
I never really cared until I met you
And now it chills me to the bone
I never had a church home before. I never looked forward to going to church until now. I never cared about the faithfulness of people around me until now, when I see people leaving the family, and changing, and when I heard someone say last week, 'oh, i served in the youth group until the minister changed, and then it wasn't my youth group anymore.' I never cared until I started doing video for a small service held on Sundays among the other three that we usually have, which is a small, close knit congregation in the middle of the larger ones. And I have to keep my eyes forward, especially now that I am home.